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Filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free.To Hide or Not to Hide: FileMaker Pro Advanced Tools


Regardless of their access privileges, every user with Advanced tools enabled will see the Script Debugger and Data Viewer items in the Tools menu. Custom Menus cannot block the display of the Tools menu nor any of its items. If a user is at all curious, they are likely to try these features out.

They can step through them one at a time. Why give users without script modification permissions an option that will lead only to disappointment and consternation? Their experience with the Data Viewer is similar. Without full access privileges, when selecting Data Viewer from the Tools menu, they see the message as shown in Figure 3. If they have Modify privileges for a given script and step through it using the Script Debugger, the Data Viewer will suddenly grant them access for the duration of the script.

Along the same lines, any user can open Database Design Report dialog box. If no such files exist, the box will be empty as shown in Figure 4.

Fortunately, you can address this by using a new option as part of an assisted install. An assisted install file allows you to automate the setup of FileMaker Pro Advanced during the installation process.

This comes in handy when performing identical installations on multiple computers. The file contains various required data, such as a generic user name, license key, organization name, and installation options.

Note that this file is not interchangeable between macOS and Windows. However, it produces the same final outcome: FileMaker Pro is installed without the need to enter any settings. FileMaker Pro Advanced 17 includes a new option for the assisted install: you can specify whether the user has access to the advanced tools or not see Figure 5.

Without this checkbox, the user cannot access the advanced tools. One major drawback to this approach is that when a user encounters an issue, you may want to work with them at their machine to recreate the problem.

You can see how your If and Loop steps work by following the arrow , and you can watch things happen in your database windows while the script runs. When the Current Position arrow points to a Perform Script step, the Step button runs the subscript as one unit. In other words, it run the whole subscript without stopping and then moves the arrow to the next line in this script. Click Step Into instead if you want to move into the subscript and step through it line by line.

The last Step button is called Step Out. When you click this button, FileMaker finishes the current script, and returns you to the one that called it. Then you can step through that script line by line. If you click Step Out from a script that wasn't called by another script, FileMaker just finishes the script and closes the debugger window. If clicking a button for each step starts to wear on yousay you've got a looping script with a whole slew of stepsyou can use Run to Breakpoint instead.

Often when you debug a script, you know the first several lines work fine, and you want to fast-forward to the part that seems to be broken. You can tell the debugger where to stop and pausea breakpoint.

FileMaker adds a breakpoint symbol by the step name. Then click Run to Breakpoint. FileMaker abandons the line-by-line approach and starts running through the script normally; that is, as fast as it can. The script runs until it ends, or until it hits a breakpoint. Once the breakpoint is reached, the debugger switches back to line-by-line mode. If your script calls other scripts, and they have breakpoints, it may stop inside another script before it gets back to your breakpoint.

If that happens, click Run to Breakpoint again to move to the next one. Skipping and repeating. If you want to completely skip a step or a series of steps , simply select the next step you want to run, and then click Set Next Step.

FileMaker moves the Current Position arrow down to the new step, but doesn't run any of the steps in between. You can also repeat steps you've already run by selecting a line higher up in the script before clicking Set Next Step. Either way, FileMaker stops at the new line so you can use the Step buttons to go line by line from there. If you get halfway through a script and then spot the problem, you can stop the script right away without stepping to the end.

Just click Stop Execution and the debugger window disappears, leaving you wherever the script left off. Once you've been debugging for a while, you may forget you have it on. To your chagrin, the debugger window pops up when you expect to see the script running. Don't feel badit happens to professional developers all the time. Just click Stop Execution right away, turn off the debugger, and then run the script again.

When the debugger first appears, nothing has happened yet, so it's always safe to stop before you step. If you have breakpoints set throughout your scripts, you can use Stop Execution rather than repeatedly clicking Run to Breakpoint to get to the end of the script. More often than not, you want to edit the script you're debugging once you've found the problem. Normally you'd have to switch to the right file, open ScriptMaker, and then scroll to the right script.

But the Go to ScriptMaker button can do all this for you. Click it, and FileMaker opens ScriptMaker with the right script already selected. The Go to ScriptMaker button is useful even when you don't necessarily need to debug. Suppose you have a button on a layout, and you want to edit the script it runs. Trouble is, you're not exactly sure which script that is.

The quickest way to find outand get to the scriptis to turn on the debugger, click the Go to ScriptMaker button, and then click ScriptMaker's Edit button. You go directly to the script in just three clicks.

Most of the debugger window is devoted to showing you the steps in the script that's running. You can't edit the steps here, but you can select them, and scroll up, down, right, or left to see more. The gray bar running along the left side of the list of steps is just a place for the Current Position arrow and breakpoints to live. You can click this bar to set or remove breakpoints directly. This same bar appears in the Edit Script window when you're creating or editing scripts using FileMaker Advanced, so you can add breakpoints there, too.

The bottom part of the window shows you detail about the active scriptin other words, the script that's running right now. It shows the name of the script, the file it lives in, and the value, if any, of the script parameter it had when it started. But why's this box so big if it just shows a few facts about one script? Because it can actually show a few bits about lots of scripts. Every time a script performs another script, it moves down in the list to make room for the new script's information.

FileMaker puts the top-mostand currentscript in boldface at the top of the list. Below it, you see the script that came before. If that script was itself run by another script, that first script's then third in the list. For example, you can you debug scripts that are run from the Scripts menu or keyboard shortcuts; debug a script activated by a script trigger , button , or custom menus ; and temporarily disable or enable script triggers while you work in the Script Debugger.

Enable the Script Debugger by doing one of the following:. To save all open scripts and then debug the script, hold down Shift Windows or Option macOS and click. Use these controls to debug the script:.

Execute the script one step at a time without entering sub-scripts. If the script step is Perform Script, the Script Debugger will execute the sub-script, and proceed to the next line of the calling script. The Script Debugger will execute all sub-script steps until it encounters a breakpoint.

Execute the script one step at a time, as well as enter and show steps in sub-scripts. If the script step is Perform Script, the Script Debugger will step to the first line of the sub-script and wait for user input before proceeding to the next sub-script step. Execute all script steps in the current script and, if the script is a sub-script, return to the line after the Perform Script step in the calling script.

If the script is not a sub-script, the Step Out command will cause the Script Debugger to execute all remaining script and sub-script steps until it encounters a breakpoint. Set the step execution pointer to the highlighted script step. This command passes control to the highlighted step but does not perform the step. The highlighted step is performed when script execution or debug stepping is resumed.

Any script steps between the last executed step and the assigned next step are not executed. Click a step to highlight it, then click. Toggle between executing all script steps until the end of a script or a breakpoint is encountered and pausing. When a script is paused, you can double-click the script in the Call Stack list to edit it. Each active script opens in a separate tab in the Script Workspace, so you can edit multiple scripts.

Script execution is not halted until you save the changes. You can step through a script using when a script is paused.



Debug a solution - Why Hide The FileMaker Pro Advanced Tools?


Sam Customer asked a question. Hi, i would like to know if there are any approach when debugging a solution? Besides using script debugger to debug a script. I try to work as user going through the whole process to find the bug. Other software вот ссылка run a program to test the product. What about FMP? Script debugger is the way to go but you must have method, filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free more method.

I recommend to approach debugging in a very methodical way:. Aside from script debugger the data viewer is very valuable showing actual values of fields and variables.

Depends on what you mean by "debug". The debugger doesn't debug a "solution" it really just an aid in writing scripting and that's it. As I hinted by saying "click all buttons", I meant to check bugs in scripts. I encourage everyone who does use to contact the developer and ask him to add more features and filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free UI. It's great but I think it could be even better. You can easily convert a given layout aevanced table view temporarily or add a new layout for this view.

I agree with Lemmtech - I could not imagine working without two tools:. This is a core tool and no solution is ready until BE is ran. Pfo use DA every single day. It is also lightening fast and doesn't require you stop what you are doing. Use it find variables, object names - anything. But you can insert either show custom dialog steps or set field Steps that append data to a global text field into a по этому адресу script that then display or capture data at key points in the script.

Thank you. Do you have специалист, microsoft visual studio 2010 professional tutorial pdf free извиняюсь examples of how to use BaseElement to analysis the solution?

Besides, is there other options other than FM Perception as it is quite expensive. I second Phil's table view approach. I create them for just about every table in any file I"m working on. So much easier to see larger patterns in the data and respond accordingly. The number of times the script is fine and the data is wonky. If I had a dime for every time the data was the culprit for reports, calculations, etc. Check what conditions are before the script runs what conditions after.

And side effects of the script. Loop invariants if relevant. Data integrity. In regards of integrity a helper file just using your data as source with statements expressing your business logic maybe as calculations using ExecuteSQL or calculations on top of this files TO structure.

Empty values referenced etc. All layout mode behaviors. Record open state windows 10 upgrade 9252 vs 28084 free for auto completion. Excellent point - Show Custom Dialog is great for that. You can create one in just a few moments, and do so over and over throughout the day.

RealTime Developer Intelligence. Just going on a brief tangent here incase you are talking about debugging a system that is in filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free.

That debugber save on the number of bugs in the final fllemaker. This is filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free called White box and black box testing in programming terms, you could look that up and the various methods around doing that. Step 1 can be invaluable as some wild data can often be thrown at scripts, users can purposefully or accidentally throw strange data at a function you create.

Then you will get this screenshot attached, you must sign in to download it. Clicking on the items drills down to the specifics of each one. Carl said, "Just going on a brief tangent Most of our scripts have a single loop with 'exit loop on error' and we error trap almost everything which can go wrong. We can then view all our cities' entries in their various files and know precisely what has gone wrong in our Master test file.

It's easy to implement and there is nothing wrong with belt and suspenders! I agree fileamker, I mentioned it before, debugging /46135.txt time of writing the script s is the best approach addvanced everything is fresh, the context, the different variables parameterslayout objects that should be advnaced or not, and the possible curved balls that the filemakwr s might send at you typo smisunderstanding, etc. This usually at this time that I fikemaker that I should emphasize an object with conditional formatting to make it very conspicuous to user s.

They change over time. Filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free users change. The tasks that they use your solution to perform change. They come up with new tasks that they need to do with the help of your solution. Example: if you have a script that sends out an email to a specific employee, You might type their email filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free directly into a send mail script step.

But if you do, the day will arrive when that employee will no longer be the person to receive that email. When that happens, a person with full filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free would need to find and update that script step. On the other hand, your script could query this address from a table of users or a table of email recipients. That way, should the employee win the lottery and retire, updating the data in that table —which does not require a developer, will redirect the email to a different person.

Windows 7 ultimate bit key generator free will undermine user confidence in you and your work due to frequent failures in your solution and suck up time correcting them that would be better spent on other projects.

While advaced true that the developer will know of ways to break the code that others will not or be very unlikely to think of, it's also true that you never know what crazy, off the wall combination of actions are going to be tried by a user that you never, ever considered even remotely likely and that can cause failures that the developer never considered. That's part of the purpose of Beta testing after all. For filemzker apps, there is often a testing department where they have testing scripts and hire independent testers.

That may fly in the face of "conventional wisdom", but if you think about it, it really makes sense. Many developers I have worked with prefer logging methods over debugging. Unfortunately, FMP doesn't make it easy to write logging statements to a text file within adanced program without some help. Using loggers like log4j you can set the "logging level" and then write logging statements for that level. Later, you just change the logging level, say, when the app is ready for production, and those logging statements stop logging.

Personally, I find it extremely useful to step through the code. In fact, Steve McGuire recommends developers step through their code as a matter of course in his excellent book: "Debugging the development process". One item that I haven't seen mentioned, but I find extraordinarily important, is end user testing. We developers are very good at filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free how the system should be behave with the correct intended sequence of user actions and correct i.

We're not so good at divining what the average user is likely to do. Quick story: I worked with a developer some years ago who was working in Pixelmator shadow free. He released the app to the tester, and she broke it - complete crash - in less than 5 minutes. So try to have someone zdvanced, in the words of my wife who is also my best alpha testercan "think like a user".

You want someone who comes to the app cold and does what seems natural to them, rather than to you. Maybe посетить страницу источник should check out that book and challenge your assumptions. The author was the head of the Excel for Mac programming team at Microsoft. But, I agree, it's not a binary choice.

Both approaches are good ideas. All of the ideas presented here are very useful and appreciated but to me the bigger issue is the over all system architecture and your application of FM technolgy and there is no debugging technique or tool to help you with that. There are lots of poorly designed FM systems out there and FM is filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free good at helping you design poorly constructed solutuons that still "work" and have no "bugs".

Until FMI changes the focus of their marketing of the product unlikely I don't see the situation changing anytime soon. I would not hold /14629.txt accountable for poor design. What assumptions? I simply shared what I have observed from years of observing users interact with my solutions. As long as FMI continues to market the product as "build your first app in 5 minutes" and imply or state "you don't need a developer if you use our product" poor design will happen.

So yes I do blame them for promoting the fallacy that anyone with no experience can or should build databases applications since most of these filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free are not and never will be actual "developers".

I agree with you but as you certainly imagine the reason is money. The sucker is the boss telling his employee to go ahead and develop for the company. There is not much we can do about human stupidity. Your statement is correct. But I don't think advaned non developer can actually sell its developments, or if he does he is a smooth filemaker pro advanced 17 script debugger free and found a "sucker".

I work in the SQL db world, too. Poor design is poor design in any database. The book's assumptions different from filenaker from the author's experience managing developers at Microsoft, of advanfed.


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